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Do you want to be part of this artistic creation?

Dare to say it is an evolving artistic experiment that starts with a phonetic provocation of seven phonetically similar words: What if we could bring together, in one artwork, as many pronunciations as possible?

Dare to say it pays tribute to non-native Portuguese speakers who try to overcome the phonetic complexity of the Portuguese language, but also to the diversity of accents within the Portuguese-speaking world.

The provocation

Both non-native and native Portuguese speakers are challenged to be part of this experiment, by sharing a recording of their voice pronouncing the seven words.


voice: Bandolina (native language: Portuguese)

Click on the image above for sound

Do you want to be part of it? 

Dare to say it!


Listen to the provocation above

Get ready to read the words at the same pace as they appear on the 'provocation' artwork


Dare to say it

to a voice recorder

Click here to record your voice saying it and submit your recording

Need help?

Having trouble submitting your recording* or have any question?

Check the Frequently Asked Questions.

* Alternatively you can use the voice recorder installed on your mobile phone and send it to

What will happen next?

A new piece will be created with your pronunciation. And then?

No idea (or maybe too many)! The journey is just beginning...

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