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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

How to record it?
It's easy.

  • Option 1: Use the voice recorder provided in this website. It may not work in all devices.

  • Option 2: Use the voice recorder installed by default on your mobile phone. Record and save the file.

Just read the words on the provocation artwork at the same pace as they appear. Save your recording.

How to send it?

Send it by e-mail to and let me know:

  • Your native language

  • Your name/nickname (or if you opt for being anonymous)

After I send it, what will you do with my recording?

I will use it for the creation of new artworks. Not sure yet what that will be.

As this is a crowdsourced creation, I plan to share with you whatever results from this experiment, so, please subscribe to updates on this creation if you are willing to know more.

How will you use my e-mail address information?

Your e-mail address won't be shared or used for any communication from my side apart from any necessary conversation regarding the submission of the voice recording. If you wish to be kept in the loop on the evolution of this experiment you will need to subscribe.

Do I have to share my real name?

No, you don't have to, but you may do it if you wish.

As this is a crowdsourced creation, I would like to give credits to all volunteer contributors involved in this experiment. Depending on the information you opt to share, the credits may be addressed to your real name, your nickname or an anonymous contributor.

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